Jiangtian Li

Jiangtian Li

About me

I am a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto Scarborough. My main interest is in the nature of semantic knowledge that humans use to understand language, specifically polysemy and lexical ambiguity. Currently, I am working on regular polysemy and the multimodal nature of lexical ambiguity using computational models.

During my PhD in philosophy, I was initially trained as a philosopher of language and worked in formal semantics and pragmatics. However, I also began working in the field of psycholinguistics and computational linguistics during that time. This experience allowed me to explore semantics from various perspectives. Consequently, I aim to connect these different fields by using behavioral experiments and computational modeling to test different theories of semantics and pragmatics in philosophy, and integrate experimental and computational findings into more philosophical work. My long-term goal is to use my interdisciplinary background to scientifically understand the nature of language and cognition, with the help of contemporary philosophical theorizing, and to promote interdisciplinary cooperation between different fields of language study.

Areas of specialization: Semantics and Pragmatics in Philosophy of Language, Psycholinguistics, Computational Linguistics